Teacher of the Year Award
"Mridha Foundation Teacher of the year Award" 2019 We are proud to congratulate Ms. Julie Ivan for winning this year's Mridha Foundation "Teacher of the year Award". We established an endowment fund to create this award 10 years back through Saginaw Community Foundation.The recipient receives this prestigious award of recognition and a grant for continued education. Our purpose is to encourage teachers go beyond to built our future generations. Ms. Julie Ivan is the 10th recipient of this award-- an internationally renowned culinary art educator from Saginaw Career Complex. Wishing her all the best.
Full- or part-time graduate and undergraduate international students are eligible if they are involved in or contribute to campus leadership and engagement; have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher; provide two letters of recommendation from individuals in a position to evaluate their leadership accomplishments and potential. First preference will be given to students from Bangladesh, then to any qualified students from Southeast Asia. Priority is given to new candidates; previous and current recipients may re-apply. Donor Debasish Mridha, MD, and Mrs. Chinu Mridha Award $ 1,500 Scope International Student Scholarship Deadline 03.01.2021 Supplemental Questions 1. Are you an international student? 2. Are you presently enrolled at SVSU? 3. What extracurricular activities are you involved in? 4. If you are a new graduate student, what is your undergraduate college GPA? 5. Please request or include two letters of recommendation. 6. Reference Request
© 2020 - 2021 MF – Mridha Foundation Developed by : Noor Chisti (Noorology Studio)
Link to apply :
© 2020 - 2021 MF – Mridha Foundation Developed by : Noor Chisti (Noorology Studio)
Teacher of the Year Award
Full- or part-time graduate and undergraduate international students are eligible if they are involved in or contribute to campus leadership and engagement; have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher; provide two letters of recommendation from individuals in a position to evaluate their leadership accomplishments and potential. First preference will be given to students from Bangladesh, then to any qualified students from Southeast Asia. Priority is given to new candidates; previous and current recipients may re-apply. Donor Debasish Mridha, MD, and Mrs. Chinu Mridha Award $ 1,500 Scope International Student Scholarship Deadline 03.01.2021 Supplimental Questions 1. Are you an international student? 2. Are you presently enrolled at SVSU? 3. What extracurricular activities are you involved in? 4. If you are a new graduate student, what is your undergraduate college GPA? 5. Please request or include two letters of recommendation. 6. Reference Request
Link to apply :